How to be a thought leader without the cringe

I was in an intro meeting with a new client recently - let’s call him Greg. Greg is a highly educated medical specialist who cuts people open for a living and not only helps those people to live their best healthy lives, but also makes a ton of money doing it. He literally saves lives, and he’s very very good at it.

You would look at Greg and think: ‘high achiever’.

Greg is smart, charismatic, kind, and educated. What Greg doesn’t know about his field isn’t worth knowing, but not a lot of people outside his circle know how clever Greg is because his website is a super-generic off-the-shelf job with stock images and words written by a human robot well before Chat-GPT became a thing.

What Greg wants is to become known as the go-to guy in his field.

“Great,” I said. “Let’s design a thought leadership package so you can share your knowledge with the world, get recognised by Google, and show people who come across you online that you know what you’re talking about.”

“Ugh!” spat Greg. “I’m not a thought leader!”

And, look, I get where Greg is coming from. The term makes me cringe too, but it’s what we’ve got for now.

What about you? Do you align with Greg’s feelings on being a thought leader?

Selling yourself is confronting and hard, and in Australia, especially, we love to tear tall poppies down as our national sport. But whether you’re selling yourself or your business (or the two are inextricably linked), it’s important that have the ability to put your big-kid pants on and tell everyone why you’re rad.

We all know that putting yourself ‘out there’ can provide a whole lot more professional opportunities than sitting back, quietly doing your job, and not making a peep. Whether you want to climb the corporate ladder, sell more of what you sell, or grow your audience - you need to share what you have and stand out.

Put aside your hatred for the term ‘thought leader’ for a moment, think about it this way: sharing your knowledge and experience can actually help people and make their lives easier - so it’s not just about self-promotion and empty buzz words (please!).

It’s about sharing your passion, inviting people in for more, and sharing your authentic self. (And yes, I know I said ‘passion’ and ‘authentic’ in the same sentence but you’ll forgive me when you read my tips.)

Ready to know how it’s done? Here are six tips to help you impart wisdom and promote yourself authentically, sans the awkwardness.

1. Focus on authenticity over authority

Start by reminding yourself why you want to share your knowledge. If it's genuinely to help and educate others, your authenticity is what people will see. You know those LinkedIn posts where some human foghorn baffles you with data and then tells you they’re the only ones that can help you understand it? You’re not that. Instead of trying to portray yourself as the ultimate authority, present yourself as someone on a learning journey, eager to share insights and equally eager to learn from others.

2. Share stories, not just facts

As humans, we love stories. Instead of merely doling out data, weave it into a narrative or share how you’ve applied them in your life. Look at Greg up there - didn’t he help me to convince you that thought leadership is important, all without me having to tell you a single stat? Don’t you think Greg should be sharing his knowledge with the world? Share your successes, sure, but don’t underestimate the power of also sharing your failures and lessons learned. That’s what makes you real and approachable.

3. Engage in conversations

Thought leadership is no sermon on the mount shit - it’s a conversation. Be curious and engage with your audience by responding to comments and asking questions. When you treat whatever platform you’re using as a space for dialogue rather than a pulpit (apologies for all the religious references - I’ll let you draw your own conclusions on that one), you foster a sense of community. This approach will make you more approachable and make you look less like a dickhead.

4. Diversify your platforms

It can be tempting to stick to what you know, but it can really help to connect with people in a range of places. Sure, post on LinkedIn and write your blogs, but also look for opportunities to host webinars, join podcast interviews, or collaborate with peers in your industry. Different platforms cater to different audiences, and they also allow you to share your expertise in a variety of ways. Being a guest on someone else's podcast, for example, allows you to answer their questions without feeling like you’re honking your own honk all the time.

5. Be generous to others

Do you stand on the shoulders of giants? Or at least benefit from the work that others have done in your field? Acknowledge that work and the insights of others. Not only is this just being a decent human, it also fosters a sense of community and gives others the opportunity to amplify your words if you tag or notify them that you’re talking about their work. You also position yourself as a collaborative player in your field, not just some prima donna seeking the limelight.

6. Ask for (and listen to) feedback

Okay, this one might make you cringe a little bit if you’re the sensitive type, but the road to authentic thought leadership is paved with genuine feedback. Actively seek it out and it will reward you. Hearing constructive criticism (and not responding defensively) will help you refine your ideas and the way you engage, while positive feedback can bolster your confidence (and give you more material to share). By showing that you value the opinions of others and that you’re not afraid to be wrong, you show that you’re the real deal, and that you’re there to learn and grow.

The good news for those wondering is that we managed to convince Greg that he can be a thought leader and a good guy at the same time. And if you ever need the type of surgery he’s performing, he’ll be the first one who pops up when you Google.

Are you ready to put yourself out there as a 100%-cringe-free thought leader?

We can tailor one of our Thought Leadership Packages specifically to your comfort zone and goals.

Email us at or book an intro call instantly by clicking the button below.


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This blog post is not about the referendum