Struggling to connect? 15 content tips to build trust with your audience
Sometimes sharing content online can feel like you’re shouting into an abyss. But there are ways to increase your chances of connecting and building trust with your audience. Here are 15 easy tips.
How to be a thought leader without the cringe
Selling yourself is confronting and hard, and in Australia, especially, we love to tear tall poppies down as our national sport. But whether you’re selling yourself or your business (or the two are inextricably linked), it’s important that have the ability to put your big-kid pants on and tell everyone why you’re rad. These six tips will help you do just that.
This blog post is not about the referendum
I posted something a little bit controversial on LinkedIn last week that generated a bit of a buzz. Some called it ‘brave’ but I call it necessary.
9 game-changing ChatGPT prompts for easy content marketing
We’re all busy, right? So why not learn how to make ChatGPT carry the brunt of the load? Here are 9 easy prompts to change your game of content marketing.
97% of businesses say this tactic leads to more sales
Content really doesn’t have to be complicated, and done is better than overwhelmed and overthinking. So if you’re stuck for content and feel like you don’t have heaps of time, try sitting down and brainstorming to this plan.
Why you need to be pitching your business to the media
Who’s afraid of the big bad editor?